Our Service Dog Program
Service Dogs can really help to change the life of those who have a disabling disease, affliction, or mobility restriction. Our specalized program focuses on sponsoring the rescue of shelter, homeless, and in need K9's giving them a second chance at life... and enrichment through service work!
What type of Service Dogs do we help with?
Helping Hounds Project works to provide service dogs for those with the following needs:
Walking Mobility
Wheelchair Mobility
Psychological Support
(including Autism support, PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder etc)
Type 1-Diabetic Alert
Who is eligible for our program?
The Helping Hounds Project welcomes individuals with a medically documented disability to apply for our programs. Training at this facility for our service dogs is limited however to the aforementioned conditions and acceptance into the program will be subject to fitting one of those criterias.
Who trains the dogs in our program?
Homemade Hounds Bed & Biscuit graceously trains all of our dogs at thier facility while in boardng. Each and every dog is cautiously selected, then evaluated by their training team before being trained to exceedingly high strict standards exceeding the normal requirements. Please feel free to see their skills and services @ www.homemadehounds.com.
Where do we get our dogs?
Our Service Dog candidates and other rescues come from multiple walks of life and sad circumstances. These dogs are rescued from local shelters (including kill shelters), owner surrendered and other heros in our rescue network. All dogs are carefully tested (behavior, temperment, medically) before entering the program. Not all dogs are considered for service work for various reasons however almost all are still adopted out to new loving homes.
How much does it cost?
Each dog is individually evaluated and assessed for the work they are to be tasked with preforming and training costs reflect directly the ammount of time and type of training this will require of them. Military and qualified applicants are only required to pay a portion of the total costs which is left after discounts, donations, sponsorships and other applicable raised funds are applied to their training costs.
How do you apply?
Applying for our program is very easy. Simply submit a request form for an application in the "about us" section of this site (located at the top of this page on the right side of the navigation bar).